Due to the new build website it will take some time to renew all the articles we have here.
I will do my best to have everything online soon. The clickable links are working .
Enjoy the teachings !!
All the best and stay healthy !!
Drops of nectar VI
The Six Paramitas
His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche the Third, Karma Lodrö Chökyi Senge
Essential Teachings
Arising of the phenomena
The True Nature of One's Mind
Tantra in the West
The Guru-Disciple Relationship
Buddhism and Psychotherapy
An Open Heart and a Clear Mind
The Spiritual Friend
The Relationship between Buddhism & Christianity
The Buddha Nature in the Context of the Three Dharmachakras
Buddhism and the Mind
Refuge & and the Five Lay Followers Vows
Instructions on the Vajra Doha
The Seven Points of Mind Training
The Three Roots: The Lama, Yidams, and Protector
Ground,Path and Fruition
The Aspiration Prayer for Mahamudra
Calling the Lama from Afar
Abiding in the Calm of Our Mind and Looking at its True Nature
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
The Four Contemplations that Turn the Mind
Venerable Sangyä Nyenpa Rinpoche
Six Preliminary Contemplations to Realize Relative Bodhicitta
Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Instructions on Do-rje-"Chang-Thung-ma, "The Short Dorje Chang Lineage Prayer",
by Bengar Jampäl Sangpo
Cultivating Compassion and the Mind of Awakening
Bringing Obstacles to the path
A Wish for Negativity to Subside
Buddhist Conduct: The Ten Virtuous Actions (PDF-Datei)
The Twelve Links of
Interdependent Origination (PDF-Datei)
Finding Peace in Troubled Times
Venerable Tarab Tulku Rinpoche
'Unity-in-Duality' The Ground of Everywhere

Venerable Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Venerable Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Venerable Chöje Lama Namse
Dharmapalas, Chös-skyong "Protectors"
Confidence and Devotion
Loving Kindness and Compassion
Gaining Unobscured Certainty of Dharma
Lama Dorje Sempa
Green Arya Tara
Guru Rinpoche - Short Introduction to His Life & Activities
Lama Tempa Gyamtso
Refuge & a Few Accounts of the Great Shangpa Kagyü Masters
Practicing Meditation Together & Speaking about Impermanence and Karma
Experiencing Faith and Devotion in Our Lama

Venerable Chöje Lama Phuntsok Rinpoche
Becoming or beeing a Bodhisattva
Second Gyalwa Karmapa, Karma Pakshi
The Four Preliminary Contemplations to Correctly Practice Mind Training - bLo-sbyong
The Treatise that Differentiates Consciousness and Wisdom
Yidam Deities in Vajrayana Noble Chenrezig
Venerable Drupon Khenpo Lodrö Namgyal

Venerable Khenpo Karma Namgyal
Finding and Following Our Lama
The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva
“The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind”
Khenpo Chökey Gyaltsen

Acharya Lama Sönam Rabgye
Archarya Lama Kelzang Wangdi
Dealing with Stress through Mindfulness Meditation Practices
Meditation Practices to Accomplish
the Four Immeasurables - Tshäd-med-bzhi
Instructions on the Spiritual Song
"Distinguishing the Provisional from the Definitive
in the Context of Mahamudra"
by Jetsün Milarepa
A Commentary on
"The Essential Points of Creation and Completion
that will Benefit the Beginner who has Entered the Path,"
composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye the Great
A Commentary on
"The Essential Points of Creation and Completion
that will Benefit the Beginner who has Entered the Path,"
composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye the Great PART 2
Khenpo Sherab Gyaltsen
Instructions on “An Elucidation of the Treatise,
‘Calling the Lama from Afar”
composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye the Great
Unser besonderer Dank gilt Gaby Hollmann aus München für ihre zahlreichen Hinweise und ihre unermüdlichen Transkriptions- und Übersetzungsarbeiten.